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Airport Security?

Just in case anyone actually has any faith in TSA's ability to prevent terrorists (or anyone else) from bringing dangerous things onto airplanes:

Today, as I was going through some boxes of junk brought home from Dartmouth, I thought to myself, Gee, I could use my pocketknife right now. I thought for a moment about the last place I'd seen it, which was on my desk when I was still living at the Pebble. Hmm, I thought, I must've packed it into the stuff-on-my-desk box that's been sitting in my room all summer. I dug out the box and emptied its contents. No knife. I got a little concerned. I checked my jewelry box. I checked my junk box. I checked the piles of junk-to-be-sorted-pre-Oregon-move on top of my desk. No knife. Oh NO! I thought. This knife is a special one; it belonged to my grandfather and was engraved for me as a gift. I ran through my mental checklist of places that I keep the knife. The most obvious one was my wallet - it's flat enough to stow nicely in there - but I'd been on 3 flights in the past month, 2 of them under heightened security. I must've taken it out before all that flying. Just to ease my mind, I checked my wallet. There it was. MY KNIFE WENT THROUGH 3 ROUNDS OF SECURITY UNDETECTED.

(Thank God they didn't find it - I'd have probably had it confiscated. WHEW. Next time, must be more careful.)

I also accidentally smuggled some lotion onto one of my 3 flights, which I later found. Umm, oops? And then of course there's that 12-year old who got onto a plane without ID, ticket, or boarding pass.