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For the Ladies

So this morning I found these fabulous blog posts about bras. Seriously! If you're female you really ought to read these. I'm definitely going to try out their advice - I mean, for example, did you know this? I DID NOT.

Next trick about bra fitting, cup size is relative to band size, a 32C and a 40C are not the same cup size. A 40C is the same cup size as a 32DDD. Everytime you go down a band size you have to go up a cup to get the same fit.

Also, they all went hating on Victoria's Secret. I grew up thinking that was the best kind you could buy, and a big step up from JC Penney or other department stores. I have several, definitely like a lot of them, though a couple that I have are on the uncomfortable side. You mean there's something better out there? I guess sometimes my upbringing shows - I'm conversant in a lot of ridiculous fashion stuff (denim, heels, boots, Chanel nail polish trends, for Pete's sake) but completely ignorant about a piece of clothing that I actually wear every day, just because of a lifetime's habit of going to that dang Port Charlotte mall to shop for the basics.

I got the links from Feministe, where there are some good links in the comments, and definitely definitely check out this post and then this one (read both!) from Bitch Ph.D. They're full of good advice. Check it out FOR SURE - especially anyone who has a hard time with bras. I mean, I don't have a lot to haul around in mine. If I'm feeling particularly, uh, liberated, I can always just go without. (And no this does not cause sagging, people.)