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Iggy Pop

So Amanda at Pandagon's got a bit of a rant going about how Iggy Pop is too punk to be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

It’s worse for me when the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame admits someone I love than when they pass them over. The Insufferable Music Snob in me can’t take it. It’s like my beloved singer or band is going to catch lameness from the contact. It’s tarnishing. I means you were milquetoast enough to pass muster with the sniveling babies at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, that you are easy on the ears of people who probably wear their AA pins on their dinner jackets as conversation pieces.

Yeah, pretty much. The ol' R&RHoF gets a big yawn from me. Does anyone find it relevant? Does it matter? Why do we bother with various Halls of Fame? The Onion gets it right, as usual.

Mostly, though, it made me wonder: what does it say about Iggy Pop that I have one of his songs* as my cell ringtone?

* It's The Passenger. A very good ringtone. Thanks are due to R for getting me into it.