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Did you know that if you speak before the Kiwanis club they will give you a gift certificate and a pen? That was kind of cool.

I'm out on the dog-and-pony show in town, presenting on the plan I'm writing for the county. Every audience is a little different, but they tend to have several common characteristics:

  • Slouchy. Posture, people, posture! You notice it when you're standing and everyone else is sitting.

  • Resistant to participation. Do you know how hard it is to get folks to raise a hand when you ask a group question?

  • Skeptical. I just love it when somebody in the back wears a big scowl throughout the entire presentation, clearly convinced that I am Evil Government Spawn, and then busts out with something snarky at the end. Turns out I'm pretty good at being tactful.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance. Lots of organizations apparently still recite it at meetings. Thank God for 13 years of daily recitation in a public school system where you Were. Expected. to actually recite it, one nation under God and all. Because if there's anything worse than speaking to a bunch of crusty patriotic Westerners about a government plan, it's speaking to a bunch of crusty patriotic Westerners about a government plan after bungling the Pledge from the speaker's seat of honor at the front of the room.

  • I also feel bad for the few folks who happen to be members of multiple organizations before which I've spoken. Some of these overly-involved-in-the-community souls are going on round 3 of Sarah's Riveting Presentation on Natural Disaster Preparation in The County.