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Never Learn

The thing about swearing off dating for 6 months is that a few days after you enthusiastically make this declaration you will find the email address and phone number of that nice boy you met at that environmental conference, recall his offer to go snowshoeing anytime up in the Idaho mountains, and notice that your weekend calendar is quite empty.

You will also immediately start to think of exceptions to the no-dating rule (Does it only apply to people you meet post-declaration? What about already-existing emotional entanglements with troublesome-but-handsome-devils who have been placed on the far back burner indefinitely?) and potential complications and reasons why maybe you don't need 6 months off, I mean, who knows what the next 6 months will bring? Could you have predicted the previous 6 months? I think not.


(I'm legitimately excited to stay single for a while. Excited to have a no-drama lifestyle for a while. Excited to hang out with friends and have free time and use fewer cell phone minutes and and enjoy people for who they are, not who they might or might not be to me.)

(but maybe I will still go snowshoeing...)