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Weekend Etc

Jen came to visit and it was awesome. I will post pictures soon! What up, East Coast?!

Unrelated thoughts on life:

I have yet to perfect my scone recipe but I'm getting closer.

Gala apples are totally rad if you can get 'em fresh. >>> most others, in my opinion.

I feel oddly disconnected from the American electorate, living in this new town - and I can't get a bead on the latest political winds. Hillary? Barack? Rudy couldn't really win, could he?

Introverts living extroverted lifestyles and having extroverted-behavior-requiring jobs need to find ways to get alone time. You'd think I'd have this figured out by now, but no.

Why does the cliche when it rains it pours have to be so true when it applies to one's social life or work commitments?