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I went to Eugene this weekend for Thanksgiving and it was sweet. Mego and I cranked out some mashed potatoes and brussels sprouts and buttermilk rolls and a pumpkin-maple cheesecake and hosted a table full of potluck dishes from the 10 new friends who graced the living room. Some planners, some hazards people, some natural resource management types, and, randomly, a few physicists. They were my favorite - as nerdy and awkward in their oversized sweaters as you'd expect, but also funny and engaging and full of interesting news from the world of physics. When else do you get physics news?

The best was the Bill-from-Freaks-and-Geeks doppelganger, who came bearing a glass dish of his granny's sour cream cranberry Jell-o salad and waxed lyrical about Thanksgivings past at home in Albuquerque with her half-dozen holiday Jell-o salads. Oh man.

Marc-o won for best wine. A Spanish red.

Mego and I did a little hiking, too, and Christmas shopping. I got home last night and dropped my bags and spent some time reading and editing my housemate's great grad school personal statement. It reminded me how much I miss that kind of writing - not the wonky bullshit that a Professional Job requires but writing with some thought and feeling behind it. Also, I love to edit, and I miss my old college job as a writing tutor. Maybe someday I'll be able to get paid for it again.

For now? Back to the working week. There's a lot of working to get done this week, too.